Thank you for visiting the Pell Institute Postsecondary Education Opportunity (PEO) Library.
PEO Archive Access Directions
Welcome to the PEO Archive, a data warehouse started and maintained by the Pell Institute Senior Scholar Tom Mortenson. Within the PEO Archive you can find newsletters and publicly available historical data including, college access, success, employment, and opportunity for social mobility and state data when available.
This valuable package is now free, but you must be registered. All Members of COE, or of a COE Community of Practice Members are registered and use their same login usernames and password to access the PEO Archive. If you are not in the COE system, you can create a free account that gives you full access to the PEO Library. After registering, your username and password will be your digital library card to access current and past PEO newsletters, state reports, spreadsheets, presentations, and posters.
If you already have a COE login, please log in here.
If you forgot your username or password please click here.
To create an account through COE, please click here. You may also be interested in joining the Research, Evaluation, and Data Use Community. To join click here.
If you have questions about logging in your account, please contact Rosa Spenser at
If you have questions about past newsletters and data, please contact Nicole Brunt at